Gluten-Free Flour Recipe {3 Options} – Gluten-Free Palate (2024)

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A gluten-free flour blend recipe that is versatile and works well with most gluten-free recipes.

I'm sharing information around gluten free flours and my recipe for the best gluten free flour.

Volume and Metric gluten free flour measurements are included.

If you're looking for information on starches, check out my Gluten Free Starches page. I also have a great resource on Gluten-Free Binding Agents.

Gluten-Free Flour Recipe {3 Options} – Gluten-Free Palate (1)

Gluten-Free Flour

If you are looking for a gluten free flour blend recipe you've come to the right place. I have a list of gluten-free flours below, and a my gluten free flour mix that I use in most recipes.

Mix your own all-purpose Gluten-Free Flour

The blend below works well with most baked goods and are the foundation for each recipe I make.

The smell, flavor, and texture are almost identical to wheat flour.

You will notice there is no xanthan gum or guar gum in the blends. Not all recipes require these.

Xanthan gum and guar gum help with moisture retention and hold baked goods together.

In a good portion of the recipes I make, the combination and ratio of ingredients are strong enough to hold the baked goods together.

There are a few recipes, however, that are fragile or still call for xanthan gum to aid with moisture retention.

The typical rule is to use 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum for every cup of flour blend.

Best Gluten Free Flour

Gluten-Free Flour Recipe {3 Options} – Gluten-Free Palate (2)

Popular Recipes Using Gluten Free Flour

Gluten Free Crepes - Everyone loves crepes! These crepes are made with gluten free flour and are super simple to make. You can fill them with sweet or savory fillings and they store really well.

Gluten Free Gingerbread Cookies - One of our favorite cookies year round, but extra fun during the holidays. These cookies are made with our gluten free flour blend (one or two) and are fun and festive.

Gluten Free Chicken Tenders - Chicken tenders are on rotation at our house and they are perfectly crispy.

Gluten Free Graham Cracker Crust - You're going to love this graham cracker crust recipes. It uses a handful of ingredients, and graham crackers are one of them.

Gluten Free Pie Crust - Readers are saying this is one of the best pie crust recipes and we agree. You can use blend one or blend two in this recipe.

Gluten Free Cornbread - A mix of gluten free flour and cornmeal is the base for this perfect recipe.

Gluten Free Apple Crisp - The topping for this delicious crisp is a mix of ingredients, including a little bit of gluten free flour.

Gluten Free Breadcrumbs - You can use store bought bread, or homemade gluten free bread to make these breadcrumbs.

Gluten Free Blueberry Muffins - One of our favorite muffin recipes. You can use our gluten free flour blend one or two. Both work great in this recipe.

Gluten Free Carrot Cake - Popular year-round, this carrot cake recipe uses our gluten free flour blend as the base. You can use blend one or two in this recipe.

Gluten Free Waffles - You can never have too many waffles and this recipe is perfect for batch cooking.

Gluten Free Pancakes - One of the best, most fluffy pancakes recipes. You can use blend one or blend two to make these pancakes.

Gluten Free Pumpkin Bread - Tender, fluffy, and perfect in every way, this pumpkin bread recipe is a favorite. You can use both easy gluten free flour blends in this recipe.

Gluten Free Pumpkin Bread - If you'd rather have muffins, this recipe is super simple to make with our best gluten free flour recipe.

Gluten Free Pumpkin Pie - This pie has the best crust and it's made with our very own gluten free flour recipe.

Gluten Free Apple Pie - If you're a fan of pie and apples, you're going to want to make this apple pie recipe. It uses our gluten free pie crust made with our gluten free flour blend.

Gluten-free flours to use in a gluten-free flour mix

Amaranth Flour
Amaranth flour is made from the seed of the Amaranth plant, which is a leafy vegetable. Amaranth seeds are very high in protein, which makes it a nutritious flour for baking.

Storage: You can store Amaranth flour in a sealed container in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Brown Rice Flour
Brown rice flour is heavier than its relative, white rice flour. It is milled from unpolished brown rice, so it has a higher nutritional value and higher fiber than white rice flour. Rice flours tend to be grainy compared to other flours.

Storage: Buying brown rice flour in bulk is not recommended, as it is better used when fresh. You can store brown rice flour in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 4-5 months and up to a year in the freezer.

Is Buckwheat Flour Gluten-Free?

Despite its name, buckwheat flour is not a form of wheat; buckwheat flour is gluten-free and related to rhubarb. The small seeds of the plant are ground to make flour. It is not generally used on its own in a recipe, as its strong nutty taste can leave the finished product overpowering, and a little bitter.
Storage: You can store buckwheat flour in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 2-3 months and up to 6 months in the freezer.

Chia Flour
Made from ground chia seeds. Highly nutritious, chia seeds have been labelled a “superfood” containing Omega 3, fiber, calcium, and protein, all packed into tiny seeds.

Tip: If chia flour isn't readily available then put chia seeds in a food processor andmake some at home. If used in baking, liquid levels and baking time may need to be increased slightly.

Storage: You can store chia seeds or chia seed flour in a sealed container in a dark cool place for several months.

Chickpea Flour (also known as gram or garbanzo flour)
This is ground from chick peas and has a slightly nutty taste. It is not generally used on its own. Chickpea flour is high in protein and is especially good for gluten-free baking. It can also be used to thicken soups, sauces, or gravies.

Storage: You can store chickpea flour in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 2-3 months and up to 6 months in the freezer.

Corn Flour
Corn flour is milled from corn into a fine, white powder, and is used for thickening recipes and sauces. It has a bland taste, and therefore is used in conjunction with other ingredients that will impart flavor to the recipe.

Tips: Be careful in the grocery store. Some types of corn flour are milled from wheat but are labeled wheaten corn flour. Always look to make sure it was not processed in a facility that processes wheat.

Storage: You can store corn flour in a sealed container in cool, dark place for up to one year and longer in the freezer.

Cornmeal is ground from corn. It is heavier than corn flour, and not generally interchangeable in recipes.

Storage: You can store cornmeal in a sealed container in cool, dark place for up to one year and longer in the freezer.

Hemp Flour
Made from ground hemp seeds, it has a mild, nutty flavor.

Storage: Hemp flour can go rancid easily. It is recommended to store hemp flour in a sealed container in the refrigerator or freezer.

Millet Flour
Comes from the grass family and is used as a cereal in many African and Asian countries. It can be used to thicken soups and make flat breads and griddle cakes. Because it lacks any form of gluten it’s not suited to many types of baking.

Storage: Millet flour can become rancid quite rapidly if it is not properly stored. It is usually best to grind millet as needed to ensure the best flavor. You can store millet flour in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 2 months and in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Oat Flour
I have a post on How to make Oat Flour.

Ground from oats, it works wonders in gluten-free baking because it contains starches that help your recipes bind together. You need to take special care to ensure that it is sourced from a non-wheat contaminating facility.

Tips: Oat flour absorbs liquids more than many flours, so you may need to increase the liquid content of any recipe it is added to. Readily substitutes into many cake and cookie recipes.

Storage: Oat flour goes rancid very quickly; either buy small amounts and use quickly, or store it in a sealed container in the refrigerator or freezer.

Potato Flour
This flour should not be confused with potato starch flour. Potato flour has a strong potato flavor and is a heavy flour so a little goes a long way. Bulk buying is not recommended unless you are using it on a regular basis for a variety of recipes as it does not have a very long shelf life.

Quinoa Flour (pronounced 'keen wa')
Quinoa is related to the plant family of spinach and beets. It has been used for over 5,000 years as a cereal, and the Incas called it the mother seed. Quinoa provides a good source of vegetable protein and it is the seeds of the quinoa plant that are ground to make flour.

Storage: Quinoa flour can be stored in a sealed container for up to 6 months in the refrigerator or freezer.

Sorghum Flour
Sorghum flour is ground from sorghum grain, which is similar to millet. The flour is used to make porridge or flat unleavened breads. It is an important staple in Africa and India.

Storage: This flour stores well under normal temperatures. Store in a sealed container in a cool, dark place up to 2 months and up to 4 months in the freezer.

Tapioca Flour
Tapioca flour is made from the root of the cassava plant; once ground, it takes the form of light, soft, fine white flour. Tapioca flour adds chewiness to baking and is a good thickener. Tapioca flour is an excellent addition to any gluten-free kitchen.

Storage: Tapioca flour is a fairly resilient flour. Store at room temperature in a sealed container.

Teff Flour
Teff comes from the grass family and is a tiny cereal grain native to northern Africa. It is ground into flour and used to prepare injera, which is a spongy, slightly sour flat bread. It is now finding a niche in the health food market because it is very nutritious.

Tips: Adding too much Teff flour to baked goods can make them gritty and dry. When baking gluten-free, use Teff flour as part of a gluten-free baking mix.

Storage: Teff flour can be stored in a sealed container for up to 4 months in the refrigerator or freezer.

White Rice Flour
White rice flour is milled from polished white rice, so it is very bland in taste, and not particularly nutritious. White rice flour is ideal for recipes that require a light texture.

Tips: Do not replace wheat flour with white rice flour one to one.

Storage: Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator or freezer for up to 2 years.

Most types of flour keep well in a sealed container in a cool, dry, and dark location. The original paper packaging used for many types of flour is fine for long term storage as long as the package has not been opened. Once open, the shelf life decreases. Many types of flour are now marketed in resealable plastic bags that increase shelf life.

The refrigerator is a very good storage area for flour, but the use of a sealed container is even more important to prevent the flour from absorbing moisture, as well as odors and flavors from other foods stored in the refrigerator. The freezer compartment can be used for long-term storage, but when using a sealed container or a freezer bag, make sure it is full or remove as much air as possible.

Gluten-Free Flour Blend

I truly feel like my two gluten free flour mix recipes are the best gluten free all purpose flour. It's simple, doesn't have any expensive gluten free flour in it and stores well.

Gluten-Free Flour Blend Recipe 1 – Yields 4 cups

2 cups (290g.) white rice flour

1 cup (115g.) tapioca flour

1 cup (120g.) potato starch

optional: 2 teaspoons xanthan gum

Gluten-Free Flour Blend Recipe 2 – Yields 5 cups

2 cups (290g.) white rice flour

1 cup (120g.) millet flour

1 cup (115g.) tapioca flour

1 cup (120g.) potato starch

optional: 4 teaspoons xanthan gum

Directions: Mix all the gluten-free flours and starches in a large zipper storage bag or a bowl. Store flour blend in an airtight container or a glass jar. Shake the container before using in case any gluten-free flours have settled.

Gluten-Free Self Rising Flour - Yields 4 cups (only use for recipes that call for self rising flour)

2 cups (290g.) white rice flour

1 cup (115g.) tapioca flour

1 cup (120g.) potato starch

2 Tablespoons of baking powder

2 teaspoons of salt

Directions: Mix all the gluten-free flours, starches, baking powder and salt in a large zipper storage bag or a bowl. Store gluten free self rising flour blend in an airtight container or a glass jar. Shake the container before using in case any gluten-free flours have settled.

Yield: 4 cups gluten-free flour blend

Gluten-Free Flour Recipe {3 Options} – Gluten-Free Palate (3)

A gluten-free flour blend recipe that is versatile and works well with most gluten-free recipes.

Prep Time5 minutes

Total Time5 minutes


Gluten Free Flour Blend 1:

Gluten Free Flour Blend 2:

Self Rising Gluten Free Flour

  • 2 cups (290g.) white rice flour
  • 1 cup (115g.) tapioca flour
  • 1 cup (120g.) potato starch
  • 2 Tablespoons of baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons of salt


  1. Mix all the gluten-free flours and starches in a large zipper storage bag or a bowl.
  2. Store flour blend in an airtight container.
  3. Shake the container before using in case any gluten-free flours have settled.


    • To measure flours, use a scale or if you are using measuring cups, spoon the flour into the measuring cup and then level it, don't scoop the measuring cup into the flour.
    • Whisk flours together in a large mixing bowl and store in an air-tight container in a dry place for up to three months.
    • The first flour blend is a little lighter and it works great it all of my recipes for quick breads, cakes, donuts, and cookies. The second gluten free flour blend option has a bit more structure and it works well with rolls, bread, cinnamon rolls, and cookies.
    • Tapioca Substitute: use arrowroot starch.
    • Millet Flour Substitute: Use almond flour.
    • For a lighter blend, substite ¼ cup of the rice flour with sweet rice flour.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1 cup

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 290Total Fat: 1gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 16mgCarbohydrates: 67gFiber: 2gSugar: 2gProtein: 4g

This nutrition info is based on the exact ingredients and brands that I used a the time. It may not be 100% accurate. Please check your ingredients nutrition labels.

Gluten Free Flour

Gluten-Free Flour Recipe {3 Options} – Gluten-Free Palate (4)

We like to use different naturally gluten free flours and starches to make our gluten free flour blend.

Gluten-Free Flour Recipe {3 Options} – Gluten-Free Palate (2024)


What is the closest gluten free flour to all-purpose flour? ›

Brown rice flour is about as close to a 1:1 substitute for all-purpose flour as it gets since it provides structure and a “wheat-like” flavor.

What happens if you don t use xanthan gum with gluten free flour? ›

Without gluten, many recipes (especially flour-based ones) have trouble holding their ingredients together. This results in dry, crumbly goods that don't hold their shape well. Using xanthan gum helps provide some of the stickiness that gluten free goods lack, replacing some elasticity.

What is the secret to using gluten free flour? ›

Add extra liquid: Gluten-free flours tend to absorb more liquid than regular flour, so you may need to add more liquid to your recipes to compensate. This can help to keep your baked goods moist and prevent them from becoming dry and crumbly.

What is the healthiest gluten free flour? ›

Almond flour (or almond meal) offers a better nutrient profile for protein, fiber and vitamins, according to Cushman. It also adds heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, protein, vitamin E and fiber and contains minimal carbohydrates.

What is the best all round gluten free flour? ›

Test after test corroborated this truth: Cup4Cup consistently outperformed the other GF flours.

What is the best gluten free flour to use with yeast? ›

If you want to buy just one gluten-free flour, we highly recommend the Pillsbury all-purpose gluten-free flour. Not only is it our favorite gluten-free flour, and easy to use in gluten-free recipes, but it's also one of the few gluten-free flours currently on the market that is recommended for baking with yeast.

What can you add to gluten-free flour to make it rise? ›

If making gluten-free self-raising flour, add the baking powder and xanthan gum, then thoroughly mix in. Store in an airtight container (a funnel helps to ensure it all goes in easily if using a large jar) and ideally label it so you can tell it apart from other flour! Store in a dry, cool place for up to 6-8 months.

What can I use instead of xanthan gum in gluten free bread? ›

9 Substitutes for Xanthan Gum
  • Psyllium husk. Psyllium husk is made from the husks of Plantago ovata seeds and is sold ground for baking purposes. ...
  • Chia seeds and water. When soaked, chia seeds form a gel much like xanthan gum. ...
  • Ground flax seeds and water. ...
  • Cornstarch. ...
  • Unflavored gelatin. ...
  • Egg whites. ...
  • Agar agar. ...
  • Guar gum.
May 13, 2020

What are the cons of gluten-free flour? ›

Nutrient deficiencies

As a result of processing, gluten free foods are more likely to be low in essential nutrients such as calcium, fibre, iron and vitamin B12.

What is the easiest gluten free flour to digest? ›

Arrowroot Flour

It serves as a gluten-free, healthier alternative to cornstarch, which is often a genetically modified (GMO) product. Also beneficial for sensitive digestive systems, arrowroot is one of the easiest starches for the body to digest and contains many anti-inflammatory properties.

What is the best anti-inflammatory flour? ›

Quinoa flour

Notably, it's a good source of protein, fiber, iron, and unsaturated fats. Furthermore, it boasts antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that may benefit digestive health, inhibit tumor growth, and lower overall disease risk ( 13 , 14 ).

Does oatmeal have gluten? ›

Yes, pure, uncontaminated oats are gluten-free. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration considers oats a gluten-free grain under its gluten-free labeling regulations and only requires that packaged products with oats as an ingredient contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten overall.

What is gluten free multipurpose flour? ›

Gluten free flours are a collection of 'powders' made from ground seeds, grains, fruits, nuts and even insects, each with its own unique properties, from taste and texture, to nutritional content and how it will react when used in baking and cooking.

Can I substitute King Arthur gluten free flour for regular flour? ›

It's easy to make traditional recipes gluten-free with King Arthur Gluten-Free Measure for Measure Flour. It's a simple 1:1 substitute for all-purpose or whole grain flour that's designed to be easily swapped into most of your favorite non-yeasted recipes.

What is the lowest gluten flour? ›

The flour with the lowest amount of gluten in it is cake flour containing only 7-9% gluten. It is of course used in cake, but also muffins and delicate cookies. All-purpose flour has 8-11% gluten in it. It can be used to make things like waffles, pie crusts, pastries, and cookies.

Does gluten free flour weigh the same as regular flour? ›

You will see that 1 cup of the Gluten Free Measure for Measure is 120 grams but 1 cup of the All-Purpose is equal to 156 grams. And when subbing gluten free flour in a recipe that uses wheat flour, 1 cup measures on average between 125-136 grams.

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