The Reason You Should Always Cool Angel Food Cake Upside Down - Tasting Table (2024)

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The Reason You Should Always Cool Angel Food Cake Upside Down - Tasting Table (3)

The Reason You Should Always Cool Angel Food Cake Upside Down

The Reason You Should Always Cool Angel Food Cake Upside Down - Tasting Table (4)


ByMeggan Robinson/

When it comes to angel food cake, the devil's in the details. The basic recipe is pretty simple; Our Light and Fluffy Angel Food Cake Recipe, for example, calls for just a handful of ingredients: cake flour, salt, sugar, egg whites, cream of tartar, and vanilla. How hard can that be? It's not actually difficult to make angel food cake, but the directions do need to be followed carefully, as there are mistakes that will mar the ethereal perfection of your dessert.

Cooking for Engineers points out one common mistake that can consign your angel food cake to kitchen hell, and that's introducing any fat into the recipe. If you didn't cleanly separate the egg yolks from the whites, for example, the whites won't beat up as stiff as you need them to be, resulting in a "soupy mess" rather than a divine angel food cake batter. Similarly, greasing the pan before you pour the batter in puts fat where you don't want it (anywhere near an angel food cake before it's baked) and the cake won't ascend to the heavenly heights you aspire to. But once that cake is baked, there's still another potential transgression that could imperil your angel food cake.

Why do you have to cool angel food cake upside down?

The Reason You Should Always Cool Angel Food Cake Upside Down - Tasting Table (5)

Hanifah Kurniati/Shutterstock

Chemistry in the Kitchen explains that the rise in angel food cake is created by what happens to the egg whites as the cake bakes. Once the egg whites (stabilized by cream of tartar) have been beaten, cake flour (which doesn't contain much gluten) is carefully folded in to preserve the air that's been incorporated. The air expands as the cake heats up in the oven, and the protein in the egg whites coagulate around the pockets of air and form the foam structure of the cake.

That foam structure is delicate, though, partly because angel food cake doesn't contain very much flour, according to Chemistry in the Kitchen, but also because it's the cooling process that sets the cake's airy structure. What could happen if you don't invert the cake pan while your angel food cake cools? According to Cooking for Engineers, the cake could collapse under its own weight, which is most definitely not the heavenly reward you're aiming for.

Turning your freshly baked angel food cake upside down while it cools ensures it will stay light and fluffy, with the heavenly, airy texture you desire.


The Reason You Should Always Cool Angel Food Cake Upside Down - Tasting Table (2024)


The Reason You Should Always Cool Angel Food Cake Upside Down - Tasting Table? ›

Cool the just-baked cake upside down

Why does angel food cake need to cool upside down? ›

Cooled in the pan incorrectly: Inverting the pan ensures that the cake continues to expand and hold its shape once cooled. Cooling the cake upside down is crucial – if you cool the cake in the pan right side up, the cake will collapse on itself.

Why are angel cakes cooled in the inverted position? ›

The pan is inverted while cooling to prevent the cake from falling in on itself and to help stretch and set the delicate foam. A simple garnish of fresh fruit complements any angel food cake. It is sometimes frosted but more often has some sort of sauce, such as a sweet fruit sauce, drizzled over it.

How should angel food cakes be cooled? ›

If cooled upright, the cake's own weight will crush itself. Cool it upside-down on a cooling rack so it holds its shape and air can reach it. Run a thin knife around the edges to release. Tap the pan on the counter a few times to help loosen the cake, too.

Why is upside down cake upside down? ›

An upside-down cake is a cake that is baked "upside-down" in a single pan, usually a skillet, with its toppings at the bottom of the pan. When removed from the oven, the finished upside-down preparation is flipped over and de-panned onto a serving plate, thus "righting" it, and serving it right-side up.

Why do you have to let a cake cool? ›

One of the main reasons for waiting for your cake to cool is that cakes are still very fragile when hot, and so spreading the icing is likely to create breakage and a lot of crumbs, spoiling your smooth finish.

What happens if you don t turn angel food cake upside down? ›

According to Cooking for Engineers, the cake could collapse under its own weight, which is most definitely not the heavenly reward you're aiming for. Turning your freshly baked angel food cake upside down while it cools ensures it will stay light and fluffy, with the heavenly, airy texture you desire.

Do you wait for an upside-down cake to cool before flipping? ›

Remove cake from the oven and cool on a wire rack for just 20 minutes. Invert the slightly cooled cake onto a cake stand or serving plate. Some of the juices from the topping will seep over the sides—that's ok. You can slice and serve the cake warm, but the slices will be messy.

What is the purpose of cooling in baking? ›

allowing a baked product to cool to room temperature before removing it from the pan, usually about 5-10 minutes. An important part of the process as products will harden as they cool and must be cool enough to survive the packaging process if necessary.

Do you have to let angel food cake cool? ›

Until the cake is completely cooled, its spongy structure hasn't set. Flipping it upside down makes sure it doesn't collapse during that process. Some angel food cake pans have feet so you can just flip the pan over and let it cool.

Do you turn cake upside down? ›

Angel food cakes are traditionally cooled upside down in the pan. Most others are cooled in the pan on a rack until cool enough to handle and then should be turned out while still warm. Finish cooling on a rack until completely cooled.

Do you refrigerate upside down cake? ›

Serve warm or cool. Store covered in refrigerator.

Why is angel cake called angel cake? ›

The cake is often served with berries and eaten for dessert. The name, which comes from the texture, which is "so light that angels could eat it and still fly without being weighted down", has given it a special association in some communities.

Do you wait for an upside down cake to cool before flipping? ›

Remove cake from the oven and cool on a wire rack for just 20 minutes. Invert the slightly cooled cake onto a cake stand or serving plate. Some of the juices from the topping will seep over the sides—that's ok. You can slice and serve the cake warm, but the slices will be messy.

How long do you cool a cake before inverting it? ›

It's important to pay attention to the specifics called for in a recipe, but in general, most cakes are best removed from the pan after cooling for 10 to 20 minutes. Try it too soon, and it may fall apart. Wait too long, and it may stick.

Why does angel food cake need a hole in the middle? ›

The pan (do not use a non stick pan) isn't greased so the batter will cling to the sides of the pan as it bakes which allows the cake to reach its full volume. The hole in the middle of the pan allows the hot air to circulate and reach the center of the cake.

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