JCPenney Online Credit Center (2024)

Your JCPenney Credit Card(backto top)

Do I need to call toactivate my card before I use it?
You may need to call to activate your card. Check the label on your card for activation instructions.

Can Iuse my account at a JCPenney Store before I receive my card in themail?
Yes, just bring valid photo identification to thecustomer service area in any JCPenney Store and they will issueyou a temporary card to allow you to purchase that day in thestore.

Wherecan my JCPenney Credit Card be used?
Your JCPenney Credit Card can beused at all JCPenney Stores, If you have a JCPenney Mastercard, it can be used worldwide- anywhere that accepts Mastercard.

How do I find the nearestJCPenney Store?
Visit the online JCPenney Store locator.

Iapplied online and was approved. How long until I receive my card?
Once you've been approved for a JCPenney Credit Card online, itwill take 7-10 business days to receive your card in the mail. Ifyou don't receive your card within 10 business days, pleasecontact JCPenney Credit Services.

I didnot get an immediate response on my application. What happensnext?
If you did not receive an immediate response toyour online credit application, you will receive correspondencefrom us via mail in 7-10 business days.

Can Irequest a replacement card online?
Yes. After you log-in,select replacement card from the e-Service menu. The card will besent to the address on record.

Please Note: This online formshould not be used if your card was lost or stolen. Lost or stolencards should be reported immediately by calling JCPenneyCredit Services.

JCPenney Online Credit Center (1)

The JCPenney Online Credit Center (backto top)

Whydo I need to enter personal information to log-in?
Youneed to provide some personal information to log-in to ensure thatyour account is protected from unauthorized access.

What accountinformation is available online?
After you log-inyou will have access to the following information:

  • Account Summary - Gives you an overview of your accountincluding: current balance, credit line, available credit, amountcurrently due, last bill date and a amount, last sale date andamount and last payment date and amount.

  • Statements-Gives you access to view your bill online. Providessummary of your recent transactions and past 3 billing periods.

  • Payments- you can pay your bill online, access your paymenthistory or set up and edit your bank information.

  • Account Service- Allows you to set up email alerts to notify youwhen your payment is due or when your payment has beenreceived. You can also request a credit line increase, report yourcard as lost/stolen or request a replacement card.

  • Manage Profile- You can update your address/ Phone/ email; oryour security information, or change your privacy option.

  • Contact Us- You contact us by sending us emails through thesecure online message center.

Whatare e-Services?
e-Services are online email messageforms that let you make secure inquiries about your JCPenneyaccount. You need to provide some personal information to log-into ensure that your account is protected from unauthorized access.You can currently take advantage of the following onlinefunctionality:

  • Notify us of a payment you recently sent or will besending.
  • Request an additional card.
  • Request a statement.
  • View purchase details.
  • Make a payment.
  • Request a credit line increase.
  • Update your personal account information.
  • Download your account activity.
  • Record your privacy preference.

JCPenney Online Credit Center (2)

Accountinformation & requests (backto top)

Howcan I check my account balance?
You can view the accountbalance as of your last statement date by selecting "AccountSummary" from the JCPenney Online Credit Center main menu.After you log-inyou can view your balance and other account information.

Howcan I request a credit balance refund?
If you have aquestion regarding a credit balance on your account please contactJCPenney Credit Services.

Whatshould I do if I have questions regarding a credit promotion orcredit insurance?
If you have a question concerning apromotional purchase, please call JCPenney Credit Services.

If you havequestions concerning credit insurance program, please callStonebridge Life Insurance Company at 1-800-443-1031 during thehours of 8:00 am - 8:00 pm central time, Monday through Friday.

JCPenney Online Credit Center (3)

Users on account (backto top)

Whatis the difference between an authorized user and a jointapplicant?
An authorized user is anyone who an accountholder has authorized to make purchases on their JCPenney consumercharge account. Although the authorized user can make JCPenney Credit Cardpurchases, he/she can not request accountinformation, make changes to the account, and is not responsiblefor repayment of the account. The primary account holder isresponsible for any charges that the authorized user incurs on theaccount. A joint applicant and the primary cardholder share theresponsibility for their JCPenney consumer credit account. Thejoint applicant can request account information, make changes tothe account, and is responsible for repayment of the account.

How doI add or remove an authorized user to my account?
To remove or add an authorized user to your JCPenney Credit account,please contact JCPenney CreditServices.

How doI remove a joint user?
If your account was originallyopened as a joint account, meaning you and another individual bothsigned the contract accepting responsibility for the account, wewould be unable to alter the contract by removing a name. We wouldhowever, be happy to close your account to further charges if youso request. If you want to have your account closed, please send arequest in writing to the address shown below.

JCPenney Credit Services
P.O. Box 71731
Philadelphia, PA 19176-1731

Cardholders in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands can write to:

JCPenney Credit Services
PO Box 166013
Altamonte Springs, FL 32716

JCPenney Online Credit Center (4)

Browsers, securityand online customer service hours (backto top)

To log-in to the JCPenney CreditCard Online Credit Center, you need a browser which isSSL-compliant and has a "secure mode". When your browser is insecure mode, you will notice an unbroken key or lock at the bottomof the page.

We recommend using Netscape Navigator / Communicator 4.5 orhigher, Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher, or AOL version4.0 or higher. If you are accessing our site with a browser otherthan those recommended above, you may not be able to log-in orview your account information.

Is theinformation that I enter secure?
JCPenney CreditServices uses SSL encryption, an industry standard to protect youraccount information from unauthorized access. When your browser isin secure mode, you will notice an unbroken key or lock at thebottom of the page.

Arethere any times when online customer service is unavailable?
Our webserver may be down for maintenance purposes daily betweenMidnight and 6:00 am eastern time.

JCPenney Online Credit Center (5)

Updating personalinformation (backto top)

How doI update my mail address and/or phone number?
Log-in toyour account and on the account summary page select updatepersonal information in the left navigation bar. This service maynot be available to all cardholders.

How doI advise you of a legal name change?
To expedite yourrequest to change the name on the account, we will require a copyof the legal document which confirms the change. Please be sure tosend only a copy of the document, not the original, as we do notreturn the document. Once we receive the supporting document, wewill complete the requested name change. Please sendcorrespondence to:

JCPenney Credit Services
P.O. Box 71731
Philadelphia, PA 19176-1731

Cardholders in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands can write to:

JCPenney Credit Services
PO Box 166013
Altamonte Springs, FL 32716

JCPenney Online Credit Center (6)

Payments (backto top)

How can I pay my bill?
You may pay your bill by mail, at any JCPenneydepartment store or online through the JCPenney OnlineCredit Center. Click hereto find out more about online payment service.

To mail your payment:
Please mail check or money order to:

P.O.Box 71719
Philadelphia, PA 19176-1719

To pay in store:
Present a check, money order or cash at any JCPenney departmentstore. Visit the online JCPenney Store locator to find thestore nearest you.

To pay online:
You may make a payment through the JCPenney OnlineCredit Center (log in and select "pay your bill online" from thenavigation bar). Click hereto find out more about online payment service.

What should I do ifmy payment has not been posted?
If your payment was madeby mail, please allow 7-10 days from the mailing date for yourpayment to be processed.

If your check has been cashedand it is not showing as posted, please mail a copy of the check,front and back, to the following address:

JCPenney Credit Services
Attn: Missing Payments
P.O. Box 71728
Philadelphia, PA 19176-1728

For cardholders residing inPuerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands, send it to:

JCPenney Credit Services
Attn: Missing Payments
P.O. Box 166013
Altamonte Springs, FL 32716

If your payment was madeelectronically, please check with your electronic paymentprovider.

Can I get my paymentdue date changed?
JCPenney Credit Services will workwith you to change your due date. Simply contact JCPenneyCredit Service

Apayment posted on my account was in error. What should I do?
If your statement shows a payment posted for a different amount than you sent, please send bank documentation to confirm the actual amount withdrawn from your account to the address below. Upon receipt of this information, we will give this matter our immediate attention.

JCPenney Credit Services
P.O. Box 71728
Philadelphia, PA 19176-1728

For cardholders residing inPuerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands, send it to:

JCPenney Credit Services
P.O. Box 166013
Altamonte Springs, FL 32716

Howcan I inform you of a payment that I recently sent or will soon besending?
To notify us of a payment that you recentlysent or will soon send please call or click here to log-in to your account and send us a securemessage with the detail of your payment. This notification canalso be done by phone by contacting JCPenneyCredit Services.

JCPenney Online Credit Center (7)

Pay my bill (JCPenney Online Credit Center) (backto top)

Can Imake a payment online?

Yes, for yourconvenience, click on

payyour bill online


Can Imake a recurring payment online?

No. At this time, ouronline payment service cannot accept recurring payments.

Whatinformation will I need to pay my bill through the JCPenneyOnline Credit Center?

You need to have avalid checking account from a U.S. financial institution and thefollowing information:

  • Bank name
  • Checking account number
  • Bank routing number

Wherecan I find my checking account number and bank routing number?

You can find thisinformation on the bottom of your check.

image of check

Whatamounts can I pay through the JCPenney Online CreditCenter?

You may choose one ofthe following three options:
1) Total Minimum Payment Due- amount you must pay in order to avoid a late payment fee
2) Last Statement Balance - balance reflected in yourprevious statement (previous balance minus payments andadjustments plus transactions and finance charges)
3) Other - any amount up to your current balance

Can Imake a payment immediately after enrolling?

Yes. You can make apayment, provided it is not greater than your current balance.

Howlong does it take for an online payment to post to my account?

The scheduled paymentdate must be at least one day later than today's date. Paymentsmay take up to 3 days to post to your account. Payments will beapplied to your account as of the scheduled payment date.

On theJCPenney Online Credit Center, how can I find the statusof my online payment?

To find out thestatus, click

PayYour Bill Online


On theJCPenney Online Credit Center, can I stop payment on myonline payment?

Yes, but only if youronline payment is pending or has not been processed.

JCPenney Online Credit Center (8)

Creditlines (backto top)

Howcan I request a credit line increase?

You may request acredit line increase by clicking Requesta credit line increase.

Howcan I request a credit line decrease?

In order to request acredit line decrease, please contact

JCPenneyCredit Services


JCPenney Online Credit Center (9)

Download account activity (back to top)

How can I download account transactions to my personal computer?

You can download account transactions to your personal computer by clicking Download Account Activity.

What software can I download account transactions to?

You can download account transactions to Quicken, QuickBooks, Microsoft Money, QIF, and CSV, including Microsoft Excel.

JCPenney Online Credit Center (10)

JCPenney (back to top)

Where can I receive more information regarding the JCPenney Rewards program?
you can receive more information about JCPenney Rewards by going to

JCPenney Online Credit Center (11)

ContactJCPenney Credit Services (backto top)


For U.S. cardholders, call 1-800-527-4403 for internetsupport (or 011-800-527-4403 for residents of Mexico) and 1-800-542-0800for general inquiries, during the following hours of operation:
Monday - Friday7:00 am - 12:00 am Eastern Time
Saturday - Sunday9:00 am - 12:00 am Eastern Time
For cardholders in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, pleasecall 1-800-981-8400 during the same hours ofoperation.

by mail:

send written inquiries to:For cardholders residing in Puerto Ricoor U.S. Virgin Islands:
JCPenneyCredit Services
Customer Service C/O SYNCB
P.O. Box 71731
Philadelphia, PA 19176-1731
JCPenneyCredit Services
Customer Service C/O SYNCB
P.O. Box 166013
Altamonte, FL 32716


click hereto log-in to the JCPenney Online Credit Center for thefollowing:

  • Notify us of a payment you recently sent or will soonsend.
  • Request an additional card.
  • Request a statement.
  • View purchase details.
  • Make a payment.
  • Request a replacement card.
  • Update your personal account information.
  • Download your account activity.
  • Record your privacy preference.

click here to send us a secure message aboutyour account.

JCPenney Online Credit Center (2024)


How do I pay my JCPenney bill online credit? ›

To pay online:

You may make a payment through the JCPenney Online Credit Center (log in and select "pay your bill online" from the navigation bar).

What is the number for 1-800-542-0800? ›

If you have specific questions about your JCPenney Credit Card account that are credit-related or account-related- including changing your mailing address-and you can't find what you're looking for in the FAQ section of the JCPenney online credit center, please call JCPenney Credit Services at 1-800-542-0800.

Can I use my JCPenney Credit Card at Walmart? ›

You can only use the JCPenney Credit Card at JCPenney stores,, Sephora stores inside JCPenney locations, and The JCPenney Mastercard, on the other hand, can be used anywhere Mastercard is accepted.

What credit score do I need for a JCPenney card? ›

A JCPenney credit card is accessible to most shoppers, as the required credit score for a JCPenney card is just 640. However, If you want to get a Mastercard version, you need to have a good credit score of 700 and up.

How can I pay online payment? ›

Some of the common types of online payments are as follows:
  1. Credit Cards. Credit cards are one of the payment sources in the list of payment methods online. ...
  2. Debit Cards. ...
  3. Third-Party Payment Services. ...
  4. Electronic Cheques. ...
  5. Bank Transfers.

How do I make a payment to my credit card online? ›

If you use online banking, you can pay your credit card (and other bills) directly from that bank account. The process may vary — but typically you'll have to select Bill Pay, choose the type of bill you want to pay (in this case, credit card) and enter your account information.

Can I pay JCPenney by phone? ›

Yes, you can pay your JCPenney Credit Card bill by phone. To make your JCPenney Credit Card payment over the phone, call (800) 527-4403 and follow the instructions from the automated menu, then enter your payment information. The process should only take a few minutes.

What is the phone number for 800 432 1000? ›

Customers. For assistance with Bank of America products and services, call toll free on 800.432.1000, or visit the Bank of America website at Additional toll free numbers for specific products and services are list listed on our website at

What is the 1-800 number for JCPenney? ›

Which bank is JCPenney Credit Card? ›

The JCPenney Credit Card is issued by Synchrony Bank.

What happens if I never use my JCPenney Credit Card? ›

It's interest rates are higher than regular cards but all department store rates are higher. They will drop your credit line if non active after one year and close the account after two years of inactivity. Just use it at least once a month.

Can I use my JCPenney Credit Card for gas? ›

You can only use the card at JCPenney stores and related brands. The JCPenney Credit Card can only be used for in-store purchases, those made through, or with partner brands. For example, you can use your card at the JCPenney salon, optical center, or photo studio.

What is the highest credit limit for JCPenney? ›

The JCPenney Credit Card credit limit is usually around $500 to start, according to forum posts, and some cardholders report limits as high as $15,000. Synchrony Bank does not include any specific JCPenney Credit Card credit limit information in the card's terms, though.

Is it hard to get approved for a JCPenney card? ›

It is not hard to get the JCPenney Credit Card, though it's not especially easy, either. This card is available to people with fair credit or better, which means that most people should have a shot at approval but there are also plenty of people who won't qualify.

Can I withdraw money from my JCPenney Credit Card? ›

There is no JCPenney Credit Card cash advance limit because the card does not allow cash advances. The card can only be used for purchases at JCPenney stores and online at The fact that JCPenney Credit Card cash advances are not an option might actually be a blessing in disguise.

How do I pay online with Synchrony Bank? ›

Online: Log in to your online account and find the payment button. By phone: Call 1-844-406-7427 and enter your card information when prompted, then follow the prompts to make a credit card payment. Through the mobile app: Log in to your account and select your card, then tap “Make a payment.”

How do I pay my credit card bill online app? ›

  1. Open the app and enter your PIN.
  2. Click "Pay Bills".
  3. Select biller BPI (Credit Card Bill).
  4. Enter the exact amount to be paid and click Next.
  5. Enter your Customer/Card Number (16-Digit) and Account Name then click Next.
  6. Review your payment details then slide to Confirm to complete your payment.

Is there a way to pay bills online? ›

Online bill pay is a standard service offered by banks and credit unions. It allows customers to set up one-time or automatic payments to various providers. Online bill pay is free to use, and most banks guarantee on-time delivery.

How do I pay directly to my credit card? ›

The following are the steps to pay credit card bill through net banking:
  1. Visit your credit card issuers third party payment page.
  2. Enter your credit card type and card number.
  3. Enter the important personal contact information like mobile number and email ID.
  4. Enter the amount that you are going to pay.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.